Organisation Structure of the Project ****************************************************************************************** * Organisation Structure of the Project ****************************************************************************************** Management and organisation of the Albertov Campus Project is provided by representatives participating faculties, the university, and a representative of the Ministry of Education direction is provided by the project manager and his team: Managing structure includes the following: Monitoring Committee [ URL "KAEN-25.html "] – consists of deans of participating faculties Charles University, other representatives of Charles University management, and a represen Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic; Working Group [ URL "KAEN-26.html "] – includes representatives of the individual particip and of the university rectorate; Scientific Council [ URL "KAEN-27.html "] – is represented by experts from relevant areas guarantors of the science and research programme of the Albertov Campus programme; Project manager [ URL "KAEN-11.html "] and his team, whose composition depends on the actu particular stages of the project.