• Work on the project

Work on the project

With the conclusion of the Design Competition and the selection of the winner of the following negotiated procedure without publication, Charles University has moved another step closer to its goal - the completion of the university campus in Albertov.

The winning design of the future Biocentre and Globcentre by the architectural studio "znamení čtyř - architekti s.r.o." has moved from the study stage to elaboration phase of specific project documentation.

On 14 February 2017, Charles University entered into the “Agreement on the Creation of Project Documentation and the Performance of Engineering Activities” with the winner of the negotiated procedure without prior publication, the architecture studio “Znamení čtyř – architekti”.

The subject matter of the agreement is the preparation of all stages of the project documentation, comprehensive engineering activities, project supervision, and other related tasks and activity.

The project documentation will be prepared in accordance with the urban-architectural design submitted as a part of the Competition for the Design and the bid submitted in the negotiated procedure without prior publication.

The project documentation will consist of the following stages:

• Completion of the design of the Construction

• Documentation for the zoning proceedings

• Documentation for issuing the building permit

• Documentation for implementing the construction

• A project for the interior

• A project for the laboratory furniture

Completion of the Design

September 2017

On 7 September 2017, Charles University received the “Finalized Design of the Construction”, which contains the already incorporated comments to the previous design from 14 June 2017.

June 2017

In the previous weeks, intensive cooperation took place between representatives of the architecture studio Znamení čtyř - architekti and all participating faculties where the functionality of the proposed premises for laboratories, animal husbandry, and classrooms was verified. The comments and proposals were carefully consulted with representatives of the individual scientific programmes planned in both buildings as well as with other experts from similar domestic and foreign institutions and were continuously incorporated into the construction design.

On 14 June 2017, the architecture studio Znamení čtyř presented Charles University with the finalized design of both buildings – the Biocentre and the Globcentre. The submitted design now awaits a detailed assessment phase, on the basis of which a list of comments from the client – Charles University – will be created. These will then be handed over to the contractor – the Znamení čtyř studio for incorporation into the design of the building.

Documentation for zoning decision

December 2019

At the end of 2019, another part of the preparation work for the Albertov Campus project was successfully completed – on 5 December 2019, the merged zoning and building permit for a temporary canteen came into force.

August 2019

On 22 August 2019, an application for a zoning decision for the Biocentre and Globcentre building was filed.

April to June 2019

Many months have passed since the completion of the project documentation for the zoning decision (September 2018). During these months, intense deliberation of the zoning decision documentation took place at the respective state administrative authorities.

The requirements of the offices were continuously supplemented, and on 24 April 2019, a request for a favourable opinion on the merged planning and construction proceedings to secure a construction pit for the Globcentre building was the first to be submitted to the Prague 2 Building Authority, and on 10 June 2019, a request for issuing a favourable opinion on the merged planning and construction proceedings to secure a construction pit for the Biocentre building was submitted as well.

During the discussion on the zoning documentation for the construction of the Biocentre and the Globcentre, favourable decisions from the City of Prague’s Department of Conservation were also obtained, and following the addition of the last remaining favourable opinions (within the next few weeks), an application for a zoning decision may be filed for these buildings as well.

March 2019

Simultaneously with the discussion of the project documentation for zoning proceedings for the Biocentre and Globcentre buildings, there was also a discussion of the one-stage project documentation for the temporary canteen, which will provide catering for students during the construction of the new canteen in the Globcentre building. On 28 March 2019, an application for a merged planning and building permit was filed at the Prague 2 Building Authority.

September 2018

On 24 September 2018, the designers from the architecture studio “Znamení čtyř - architekti” handed over the documentation for zoning decisions to CU, which marked an additional significant shift in the Albertov Campus project on the notional timeline.

Creation of the project documentation for the zoning decisions was preceded by months of intensive discussions with the university, representatives of Prague 2, the National Heritage Institute, and other institutions and experts. On the basis of all of these negotiations and the accompanying comments and suggestions, the design of the building from September 2017 was modified. The result was, among other things, a reduction in the dimensions of both of the proposed buildings – the Biocentre and the Globcentre – so that the modified design is acceptable by all stakeholders.

Documentation for issuing the building permit

June 2020

On 11 June 2020, the Building Department of the Prague 2 Municipal District issued a combined planning permission and building permit for the implementation of the static security of the Biocentre and Globcentre construction pits and related works. These permits became legally valid on 24 June 2020 - BC and 25 June 2020 - GC.


Biocentre is financially supported by the National Restoration Plan; Investment identification number: Z332802000005.